The fully networked human?
- Innovations for future networks and services -
ITU Kaleidoscope academic conference
12–14 December 2011, Cape Town, South Africa
Call for Papers
Kaleidoscope 2011 The fully networked human? - Innovations for future networks and services - is the fourth in a series of peerreviewed academic conferences organized by ITU that brings together a wide range of ideas and views from universities, industry and research institutions of different fields. The previous editions were held in Switzerland, Argentina and India. The aim of Kaleidoscope is to identify emerging developments in information and communication technologies (ICTs) at an early stage, to generate successful products and services through the development of international and open standards. ICTs have already changed the way we live, work, learn, think and communicate. Ever smaller and smarter sensors proliferate, wireless networks are omnipresent, and smartphones are abundant. In the future, the impact of ICTs will be further amplified through the increasing deployment of ubiquitous/pervasive/human-centric computing and ambient intelligence. In this environment, the user is placed at the center, and virtualized networks, other IT resources, services and applications are adaptively and automatically configured to support the users in carrying out their everyday life activities. Besides many technical issues to be addressed, this also raises serious questions about access to ICTs, privacy, interoperability and sustainability. Future technologies should be designed to benefit humans, not the other way round. To address these issues, standards are indispensable. Developing these standards will require concerted efforts by many stakeholders, including relevant UN agencies. This conference shall help to further such collaborations. The fully networked human? - Innovations for future networks and services is calling for original academic papers offering innovative and bold approaches in research and development to integrate the real and the digital worlds. Audience Kaleidoscope 2011 is targeted at all specialists with a role in the field, including researchers, academics, students, engineers, policy-makers
and regulators, innovators and futurists from all over the world.
Date and venue
12–14 December 2011, Cape Town, South Africa
Submission of papers
Prospective authors, from countries that are members of ITU, are invited to submit complete, original papers with a maximum length of 4,500 words within eight pages including summary and references,
using the template available on the event website. All papers will be reviewed through a double-blind, peer-review process and handled electronically; see for the online submission (EDAS).
Submission of full paper proposals: 15 May 2011
Notification of paper acceptance: 30 July 2011
Submission of camera-ready accepted papers: 10 September 2011
Publication and presentation
Accepted papers will be presented during the event, published in the proceedings and in IEEE Xplore. The best papers will be evaluated for potential publication in IEEE Communications Magazine. Awards
Awards of USD 5k, 3k and 2k will be granted to selected best papers, as judged by the organizing and programme committees. In addition, young authors presenting accepted papers will receive a Young Author Recognition certificate.